Vehicle and Contact Information, Required for Reservations

Parking Reservation Form. Click Here!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Parking 2017

Parking Rates 2017
Daily Rate $7 per car
Overnight Cars $10 per day*
*A day starts at 8:00 A.M.

Parking is at your own risk.

Overnight parking must be reserved in advance.

Overnight Cars:
  1. Cars must be parked in designated spots which will be assigned when you make your reservation.
  2. If you leave the lot at anytime during your reserved time you must put an orange cone in it otherwise someone else will park in it.
  3. If you need to extend your reservation time you can give us a call or send a text or email. Please don't leave your car longer than the agreed upon time because someone else my have it reserved.
  4. Reservations need to be confirmed. Please don't assume you have a reservation with us unless you get an email with the number of your parking space and the amount due.
  5. We do not have a full time staff to answer your emails and texts so please be patient. 
  6. Payment is due in advance. We do not make refunds for people that don't show up for the time they reserved.
We keep this information on file. You only need to fill it out once or when you get a new vehicle or change your contact information.